About Me!

I am a 2nd year Informatics PhD Student at UC Irvine advised by Dr. Sean D. Young. I am a Data Scientist who hopes to leverage the power of Data and AI to inform policymakers to make equitable policies, resolve societal problems and stand on the side of the marginalized in society. I graduated from Vassar College with a B.A. Degree in Mathematics and minors in Computer Science and Chinese. Until the Summer of 2022, I worked as a Research Area Specialist at CJARS.

In terms of research interests, I am broadly interested in:

  • Data Science for Social Good and Health Informatics.
  • Addressing burnout of healthcare workers, in particular, nurses.
  • Pre-emptively detecting spread of virus or disease, severe depression, suicide risks, gun violence, drug overdose/addiction using unstructured data such as social media feeds.
  • Developing new methodologies to better detect misinformation in the healthcare domain and understand how they affect behaviors, perceptions and responses of patients or the general public towards diseases or public health policies.
  • Identifying bias in health-tech systems or Machine Learning models used in healthcare and present ways to make them more equitable, transparent, and fair.

I am also a Amateur Musician who loves to sing, play the drums and perform. Check the My Music section on the upper right hand corner if you want to get to know more about my music! I am always down for music collaborations, so hit me up on my instagram or LinkedIn!

My hometown is Seoul, South Korea. My hobbies are body building, any music activities, exploring beautiful natury areas, discovering new good food places, and analyzing K-dramas.

Some Useful Links to get to know more of me!